Send flowers in South-Africa with our florists !

Online florists offer to send flowers with their network of local florists closest to the place of delivery in South-Africa. For any occasion, Valentine's day, mother's day, father's day, grandparent's day, births, weddings, funerals or love declaration, these providers can send flowers everywhere in South-Africa.

Send flowers same day in South-Africa, flower delivery today Sunday 16 February.

ProGifts is South Africa's superior online provider of fresh flower products delivered by professional florists in South-Africa.


Same day delivery if the order is placed before 12:30 on weekdays and 10:00 on Saturdays

No deliveries on Sundays or Public Holidays


Flowers from R 239

Minimum R 49.00 delivery charge

NetFlorist guarantee to send fresh, beautiful floral arrangements with leading florists in South-Africa. Same day delivery in South-Africa. You can also choose any future date for delivery


Floral order must be placed before 12:00 noon for same day service

Delivery 7 days a week


Flowers from R 249.95

Delivery charge R 89.95 is an online florist and flower shop offering a wide range of flower arrangements and gift hampers. Flower orders can be delivered on the same day in South-Africa.


Same day delivery if the order is placed before 12:30 on weekdays and 10:00 on Saturdays

Flowers are delivered by the executing florist and hampers or gifts are delivered via courier. No deliveries on Sundays


Flowers from R 200

Free next day delivery

All cities in South-Africa where you can send flowers :

Akasia Alice Aliwal North Allanridge Allemansdrift Amandelbult Mine Ashbury Atlantis Atteridgeville Balfour Ballito Barberton Barkly West Beaufort West Bela Bela Belfast Bella Vista Bellville Benoni Bethal Bethelsdorp Bethlehem Bhekuzulu Bhongweni Bisho Bloemhof Bohlokong Boikhutso Boitshoko Boitumelong Bongelethu Bothaville Botleng Bredasdorp Breipaas Brits Bronkhorstspruit Bruntville Bultfontein Burgersdorp Butterworth Carolina Centurion Ceres Chatsworth Christiana Clocolan Clydesdale Colesberg Coligny Cradock Cullinan Cumakala Daggakraal Dana Bay De Aar Delmas Deneysville Despatch Diazville Dimbaza Douglas Dukathole Dundee Dundonald Dwarsloop Edendale Ekangala Ekuphumleni Elgin Elliot Ellisras Eltivillas Elukwatuni Emabhanoyini Emahlalakahle Emakhazeni Emjindini Emkhondo Empangeni Emzinoni Entokozweni Ermelo Estcourt Ethandakukhanya Ezakheni Ezibeleni Ficksburg Fisherhaven Fochville Folweni Fort Beaufort Frankfort Frischgewaagd Galeshewe Ga Nala Ga Rankuwa Geluksoord Glencoe Glenmore Glentana Gonubie Graaff Reinet Grabouw Grahamstown Greytown Groot Brakrivier Hambanathi Hammanskraal Harrismith Hartbeestfontein Hartebeespoort Hartenbos Hawston Heidelberg Heilbron Hendrina Hermanus Hlohlolwane Hoopstad Howick Huhudi Humansdorp Ibhayi Ikageleng Ikageng Ikhutseng Ilinge Lethu Imbali Intabazwe Ipelegeng Itsoseng Izeleni Jan Kempdorp Jeffreys Bay Jouberton Kamaqhekeza Kanana Kathelong Kgotsong Khayamandi Khayelitsha Khuma Khutsong King William S Town Kinross Knysna Kokosi Kokstad Kosmos Ridge Koster Kriel Kroonstad Krugersdorp Kruisfontein Kudube Kutlwanong Kuyasa Kwadukuza Kwaggafontein Kwaguqa Kwa Mashu Kwamevana Kwamsane Kwanobuhle Kwanojoli Kwanokuthula Kwanomzamo Kwanonqaba Kwanonzame Kwatinidubu Kwazamokuhle Ladybrand Lebohang Lebowakgomo Lephalale Leseding Leslie Letlhabile Letsopa Lichtenburg Lindelani Lingelihle Louis Trichardt Louwville Lowryville Lydenburg Mabopane Madadeni Mafikeng Mahikeng Mahwelereng Malmesbury Mamelodi Mandini Mangaung Mankweng Manyatseng Maokeng Marapong Margate Marikana Marquard Mashishing Masibambane Masilo Mataleng Matlakeng Matwabeng Mbombela Meloding Meqheleng Meriting Meyerton Mhluzi Midros Mitchell S Plain Mkhuhlu Mkondeni Mlungisi Mmabatho Modimolle Moemaneng Mokopane Moloto Mondlo Montagu Monyakeng) Mooi Rivier Mookgophong Mossel Bay Motherwell Mothutlung Motswedimosa Mpophomeni Mpumalanga Mtubatuba Musina Mzamomhle Mzamonhle Naboomspruit Namahadi Nancefield Ncotshane Ndevana Nelspruit Nigel Nkobongo Nkowankowa Nkqubela Nkwenkwezi Nomzano Nonzwakazi Odendaalsrus Ongegund Onrus River Orange Farm Orkney Osizweni Oslo Beach Ottosdal Oudtshoorn Oukasie Paballelo Parys Petsana Phagameng Phahameng Phalaborwa Phathakahle Phelindaba Phiritona Phola Phomolong Phuthaditjhaba Pietersburg Piet Retief Pinetown Plettenberg Bay Polar Park Port Alfred Port Shepstone Postmasburg Potgietersrus Potsdam Praktiseer Pumula Qalabotjha Queenstown Railton Rammulotsi Ramsgate Beach) Ratanda Reagile Redhill Refengkgotso Refilwe Reitz Rhini Richards Bay Ritchie Riversdale Robertson Rooikoppies Sabie Sada Sakhile Saldanha Sandbaai Sandersville Schweizer Reneke Sebokeng Secunda Senekal Seshego Setaria Shakaskraal Sharpeville Shatale Sheffield Beach Shelly Beach Sibongile Sidesaviwa Silobela Simile Simunye Sithembile Siyabuswa Siyathemba Siyathuthuka Snake Park Somaroboro Somerset East Soweto Standerton Stellenbosch Stilfontein Strand Stutterheim Sundumbili Swalluwsnest Swellendam Takalani Tekwane Temba Tembisa Terniet Thaba Nchu Thabazimbi Thabong Thembalethu Thembalihle Theunissen Thohoyandou Tigane Tikwana Tlhabane Tlhabologang Tongaat Trichardt Tshiame Tshikota Tshing Tshitereke Tswelelang Tumahole Tweefontein Ulundi Umasizakhe Umhlali Umlazi Umtata Umzimkhulu Umzinto Upington Utlwanang Vaalbank Vaalwater Valspan Vanderbijlpark Ventersdorp Verena Vergenoeg Viljoenskroon Villiers Virginia Vlakpoort Volksrust Vondwe Vrede Vredenburg Vredendal Vryburg Vryheid Vukuzakhe Warmbad Warrenton Wedela Wellington Wembesi Wesbank Wesselsbron Wesselton Westonaria White River Whittlesea Winterveldt Witwatersrand Wolmaransstad Worcester Zamdela Zastron Zeerust Zithobeni Zweletemba Zwelihle Zwelitsha Johannesburg Cape Town Durban Pretoria Port Elizabeth Soshanguve Evaton Pietermaritzburg Bloemfontein Vereeniging Rustenburg Witbank East London Newcastle Uitenhage Polokwane Kimberley Welkom Paarl Klerksdorp Somerset West Botshabelo Mdantsane Middelburg George Carletonville Potchefstroom Mthatha Stanger Ladysmith Embalenhle Sasolburg